Posts Tagged ‘writing inspiration’
Writing Wisdom from the Best Sellers
I collect wisdom quotes. One subsection of that is writing wisdom. And some of the best comes from the best. Here’s a sampling for your edification & inspiration: Neil Gaiman: ‘Remember: When people tell you something’s wrong or doesn’t work for them, they are almost always right. When they tell you exactly what they think…
Read MoreWhy NOT you?
Okay, no whining in this one. Yes, I know this writing thing is hard. We spend years and sometimes decades pouring ourselves into stories. You sweat, edit, cut and sweat some more. And in the end, there’s no guarantee that an agent or editor is going to want it. Indie? Readers may not like it…
Read MoreWriting Inspiration from Dinosaur Poop
Get ready . . . your inbox and social media streams are about to be inundated with New Year’s Writing Inspiration posts very soon. I decided to do my own weird rendition first. I mean, after all, it’s been a year. Here’s what happened so far: After my publisher decided they don’t want more books…
Read MoreWHY Do We Do This?
A straightforward, oddly depressing yet uplifting post to help you remember WHY we do this writing gig: How about you? What keeps you going? Share your tips!
Read MoreThe Trouble is, You Think You Have Time
I’d planned to write about something craft-related this week, but reality slapped me instead. I got word today that a friend and fellow western author passed away, Kari Lynn Dell. If you’ve never read her books, check them out. They’re real rodeo romance. She knew, because she was she rode the rodeo road, when…
Read MoreWord Play – Unleash Your Inner Writing Child
Think back. Waaaay back, to when you first decided you wanted to write. You sat down, maybe at a computer, maybe with a pen and napkin, or even (in my case) on the back of a motorcycle, and wove a story in your head. Remember how excited you were? Everything seemed possible. You had the…
Read MoreDare to be Vulnerable in Your Writing
Laura Drake I had no idea what I was going to write about this month. I felt like I’d done it all. Then I read Jenny’s post from Brené Brown (If you haven’t read it, it’s HERE). #7 hit me in the heart. See, I’d forgotten. Vulnerability is my super-power. I went through a pretty…
Read MoreA Writer’s Resolution Anyone Can Keep
If you follow me on Facebook you know I’m the Queen of Pinterest (and if you don’t, why not? Beauty pics, cat memes, inspirational quotes, odd Victorian photos — COFFEE! It’s a sea of happy in a chaotic world. LauraDrakeAuthor). When I saw this the other day, the photo caught my eye first. Then the message slammed…
Read MoreNotes to My Unpublished Self
I sold 5 years ago. So much has happened, it seems like fifteen. With 9 books out in the world, the tenth almost complete, I decided to look back, to what it would have helped me to know, when I was on that scary road to publication. I hope it helps those still on that…
Read MoreSelf-Belief is Hard – How To Do it Anyway
Y’all know that I’m the Golden Retriever of the writing world. The grandma cheerleader in a skirt that won’t zip (no photo, because no one wants to see that. Trust me). But I had an epiphany today. I wanted to share, in case it helps you, too. It was one of those golden days. You…
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