Patience Practice – How to Get More of it

  I was thinking back the other day, to when I decided I wanted a book with my name on the cover. I dreamed and imagined and wished…for the day when I’d hear the magic words, Here’s your contract! And the waiting would be over. Yeah, I hear you laughing. Hey, we were all naïve…

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BE the Dude

I am butt-deep in packing paper and tripping over boxes from my move, so this week I’m dishing up another of my ‘Write Stuff’ videos: What do you think? Any other tips for us on how to be in the character’s head?

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Cut Some Slack

I have a theory: I believe writers are by nature, more observant and aware of what’s going on around them than ‘normal’ people. So changes and threats in their environment hit them harder. That’s not science, just a personal observation of mine,  but I believe if you poll your writer friends, they may be struggling.…

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Word Play – Unleash Your Inner Writing Child

Think back. Waaaay back, to when you first decided you wanted to write. You sat down, maybe at a computer, maybe with a pen and napkin, or even (in my case) on the back of a motorcycle, and wove a story in your head. Remember how excited you were? Everything seemed possible. You had the…

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Use Excel to Track Your Novel

Learning how you write a book is like finding your way in a pitch black room full of furniture. You can learn by barking your shins, but there are less painful ways. Hopefully, this post will help. I’m an organized person, so it would make me crazy trying to locate details in my WIP. Which…

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