Why NOT you?

Okay, no whining in this one.  Yes, I know this writing thing is hard. We spend years and sometimes decades pouring ourselves into stories. You sweat, edit, cut and sweat some more. And in the end, there’s no  guarantee that an agent or editor is going to want it. Indie? Readers may not like it…

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Writing Routines for the New Year

I’m not a fan of New Year’s Resolutions. Maybe because, though I’ve made a ton of them,  I have never kept one. I mean, saying I’m going to do something doesn’t get it done, right? I’m more a fan of changing my routine to accommodate a lifestyle change. I’m not sure I’m a good example…

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Writing Inspiration from Dinosaur Poop

Get ready . . . your inbox and social media streams are about to be inundated with New Year’s Writing Inspiration posts very soon. I decided to do my own weird rendition first. I mean, after all, it’s been a year. Here’s what happened so far: After my publisher decided they don’t want more books…

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Writers are Different

I’m not sure if it’s nature or nurture, or both, but you have to admit, we writers seem a bit . . . odd to the rest of the world. Even to the people who know us best, and love us anyway. I asked a bunch of my writer friends for anecdotes that proved this.…

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Surviving Rejection – There’s a Trick!

Hey y’all. I’m busy packing to move, so I’m dishing another video from three years ago. Oddly, I took this the day before I broke my leg out on a river and the medics had to bring a sheriff’s boat to rescue me and take me to surgery in the hospital. Glad I didn’t know…

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WHY Do We Do This?

A straightforward, oddly depressing yet uplifting post to help you remember WHY we do this writing gig: How about you? What keeps you going? Share your tips!

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How Spill Strong Emotion on the Page

I’ll admit, this blog was sparked by THIS one (it’s awesome-go read it-we’ll wait). It had a quote from F. Scott Fitzgerald: “… I’m afraid the price for doing professional work is a good deal higher than you are prepared to pay at the moment. You’ve got to sell your heart, your strongest reactions, not…

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Cut Some Slack

I have a theory: I believe writers are by nature, more observant and aware of what’s going on around them than ‘normal’ people. So changes and threats in their environment hit them harder. That’s not science, just a personal observation of mine,  but I believe if you poll your writer friends, they may be struggling.…

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The Trouble is, You Think You Have Time

  I’d planned to write about something craft-related this week, but reality slapped me instead. I got word today that a friend and fellow western author passed away, Kari Lynn Dell. If you’ve never read her books, check them out. They’re real rodeo romance. She knew, because she was she rode the rodeo road, when…

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Staying Creative – Even in a Pandemic

Because writing isn’t hard enough, right? Now we have to write while worrying about: getting sick, loved ones falling ill, kids’ school, misinformation, politics, economics, TP shortages and murder hornets. No wonder we’re not sleeping. But introverts are at least used to being locked in their houses. Heck, they want to be there! I am…

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