Book Pricing Strategy – Does it help or hurt other authors?
By Laura Drake I’ve pondered the topic of book pricing for a long time. It makes me uneasy because, though I’ve thought a lot about it, I haven’t come up with a definitive answer. Everyone knows it’s hard to make a decent living as an author. Heck, most don’t make over $2k a year. Yes,…
Read MoreAuthorsplaining
We’ve all read it. We’ve all written it. The overexplanation. Even published books are rife with it (though I’ll bet, not many bestsellers are.) Is it small? Subtle? Often. But enough of it sprinkled in your writing will invite skimming. And as Margie Lawson says, skimming is death to a novel. She’s not wrong. But…
Read MoreAmos
Was at an informal writer’s get-together a while back, and we did a writing exercise. Had to finish the sentence, ‘I wish I’d never met’. This is fun! Take any topic and write for five minutes. You might surprise yourself! AMOS I wish I never met… Amos. My life was fine. I mean, it sucked,…
Read MoreOne Perfect Line
I’ve said it before – I love words. I love how they swirl together into sentences to form beautiful, horrible or sensual images. I also love my Kindle. I use it almost exclusively, and one of the main reasons is the ability to highlight. When I read an amazing sentence (or two), I highlight them…
Read MoreHow to Survive Today’s Market
A writer friend alerted me to an article recently, 10 Awful Truths About Book Publishing. Go ahead and read it – we’ll wait. Okay, if you know anything about my books, you know I won’t leave you in a sad place, so read on. A bit discouraging? I’d say yes, and no. Would we all…
Read MoreLearning to Trust
This is about writing, but also about life. Everyone has a process on how they write – and in an informal survey of many writers I’ve met over the years, your process is usually the hardest possible. Hey, don’t blame me, it’s science. Mine, for example. I’m a see-it-to-believe-it kinda gal. I tend not to…
Read MoreWhy DO Writers Write?
I’m not saying I have the answer – I’m hoping you writers will answer in the comments. But I do know the answer for me. What an amazing, complex life we lead, populated with people unlike us and experiences we couldn’t imagine, much less foresee. I’m fascinated by the kaleidoscope of change, and how other…
Read MoreThe Bottom Block of the Writer’s Pyramid
You need many abilities to be a writer: Storytelling, voice, a grasp of grammar, be able to evoke emotions, plot…I could go on. And on. But these are skills. They can be learned, or at least improved upon. This is a tough gig. It can take decades of work to create a worthy work of…
Read MoreThe Illusion of Control
This one isn’t just for authors. I learned very early in the school of hard knocks that I had very little control in life. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a Midwest girl, so if it’s something I DO have control of, I work hard to shape the outcome. But sadly, there seems to be so…
Read MoreIntriguing First Lines
I have a thing about first lines. I love reading them, love writing them. I’ve been pulled into a book by just a first line alone. There are many types of first lines: irony, catalyst, comparison, asking a question, dilemma, interesting character, high concept and humor. (if you want to know more about these, I…
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