The Sweet Spot

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Published by: Hachette/Grand Central/Forever
Release Date: May 28, 2013
Pages: 336
ISBN13: 978-1455521951
The grief counselor told the group to be grateful for what they had left. After lots of considering, Charla Rae decided she was thankful for the bull semen.
Charla Rae Denny’s role as a traditional ranch wife and mother fits her like custom-tailored Wranglers. When her only son is killed in a tragic accident, Char retreats to a world of grief and Valium. Her reeling husband takes up with a blonde buckle bunny half his age. Their ranch, which supplies bucking bulls to the Pro Bull Riding circuit, is split up in the divorce. Jimmy gets the bulls, Charla, their valuable semen.
All her county fair ribbons won’t help Charla now. She’s alone, addicted, ill-equipped, and has no one to blame but herself. In spite of her fear of horses and smelly cows, she stands up, takes off her apron, and learns to run a ranch. She and Jimmy have lost their way. But through months of hard work, tears, and some hard knocks, they both learn to forgive -- themselves and each other. Together they find their way back: to life, to love, to the Sweet Spot.
Also in this series:
Winner of Romance Writers of America RITA Award for Best First Book
‘Poignant, heart-wrenching, hopeful…this realistic contemporary romance zeroes in on issues of trust, communication, healing and forgiveness; a cut above the rest.’
-Library Journal Starred Review
“From the cover and title you expect a sweet contemporary western, but this is a sensitive honest look at a family destroyed by loss, a family that must try to rise from the ashes of their old life and see what they are now – different certainly, but pieces or a unit? Drake’s characters are so real, and so like us, that you’ll take a look at your own life and count your treasures.”
-RT Book Reviews
She’s no longer your wife. He crossed an ankle over his knee to give some room in his Wranglers. Maybe not, but her pheromones still called to him from across a room, touching him places no other woman’s ever had.
He wanted her. Sexually obviously, but also in ways he’d forgotten until he found himself outside her world, looking in. He missed the way she used to look at him; a corner of her mouth lifted in a girl-next-door-centerfold way. He missed the sight of her dancing in the kitchen, when she thought herself alone. He missed having the home she’d created wrapped around him, giving him strength to go out in the world and do things.
Char glanced at her watch, straightened, and pulled her shoes from under the couch.
He missed all those things. It was the changes in her that kept him awake, staring out of the screened walls to the night. She was stronger now. Stronger than before the accident. Stronger than he’d ever seen her. And he liked it.