Summer Newsletter

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For Roger wins an award!

She breathes life into characters who make you stop breathing.
I bet Jodi Picoult wishes she had this idea, wishes she wrote this book
Seriously. Grab this book now!        Margie Lawson

Laura Drake takes on a topic that most authors wouldn’t be equipped to touch, and she does it with grace and humor.       Lainey Cameron

Don’t miss FOR ROGER. I’ve read some great books this year. This one was the best.        Liz

Thought provoking, no matter what you feel. I’ll read it again, after I catch my breath.       Ann C

If You Only Read One 2023 Release, Make It This One. Wow. Phenomenal. I’m writing this review roughly 12 hrs after finishing the book, and I am still in awe of what Drake was able to do here. Very much recommended.       Jeff

If you’ve read it already, would you consider leaving a review? It matters a lot! You can do that HERE and/or HERE.


I love to partner with authors who have written books that I think you would enjoy. Being a subscriber, you’re automatically entered to win a paperback copy. I’ll be informing the winners in a few days.

Good luck!

Readers who love Jodi Picoult’s topical plot twists and Liane Moriarty’s character-driven novels will devour this fast-paced tale set in modern-day Chicago of three generations of women whose lives converge as one fights a devastating online accusation, another campaigns for a contested seat in Congress, and one, the young journalist with ties to both, navigates the tricky line between secrets and lies.

Winner of ten major book awards including the 2022 National Indie Excellence Grand Prize and the 2022 Forward Reviews Gold Medal for Adult Fiction.

Click on the cover to be taken to a retail site. If you’d like to sign up for Maggie’s newsletter, you can do it HERE.

Marissa Raffaelo-Moretta is used to shouldering the burden. As the middle child, she’s played the mediator role for longer than she cares to admit. As a mother, she’s taken on the exhausting task of primary caregiver. And as a daughter and nurse practitioner, she’s spent her adult life being responsible for her parents’ physical and mental health.

When her stubborn and impulsive father, Frank, falls and refuses to stay at rehab, she and her brothers bring him home, and Marissa upends her life: she temporarily moves into her parents’ house, which takes precious time away from her two sons and jeopardizes her job. Soon, Marissa recognizes that life as they’ve all known it is about to change: while Frank’s ineffective legs are worrisome, her mother Angie’s memory issues might be a more urgent dilemma.

A heartbreaking and emotional story of the toll that health crises can have on an entire family, The Weight We Carry reminds us of the fine line between reliance and independence, tending and mothering, and love and obligation.

Click on the cover to be taken to a retail site. If you’d like to sign up for Christina’s newsletter, you can do it HERE.

Our hearts were broken when we had to put 18 year-old Harlie down a few months ago. We didn’t plan on being a two cat household again, but someone in our neighborhood posted a photo of a kitten found in a field at 6 weeks old, and my heart melted for the little orphan. Meet Daisy (aka:  Daisy Mae, Spasm, Trouble, or PITA, depending on her behavior.) We are in love, and it was a rocky beginning with Boomer, but he’s starting to coming around!
And of course, I’m fishing when it’s not too hot. Busy planning this year’s girl’s fly fishing trip to the Little Red River (Arkansas) in September.
WRITING-WISE:  I’m almost halfway done with my next Women’s Fiction, about a woman who’s been married for 15 years and has two sons with a man who’s living a dual life…as a serial killer.

Tentatively titled, The Devil She Didn’t Know.

If you’re a reader of my novels, you know they are about resilient women. I’ve always been curious about why some people are resilient, and some, sadly, are not. I found this YouTube video on 3 secrets of resilient people – and I’m leaving it here for anyone going through hard times. Sending hugs.

The three secrets of resilient people | Lucy Hone

Laura Drake’s Peace, Love & Books

Are you on Facebook? I maxed out my ‘friend’ limit, so I started a group. It’s become a community!

Here’s what it’s all about:
Home to Laura Drake fans, coffee-lovers and snark afficionados.
No meanness
No politics

Come join us for chaos and anarchy! Just click the photo above to join.

Wishing you the best summer ever!

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